Monday, 24 January 2011

Extract from: 1 WEEK (Hanna Clarke and Kit Merritt)

1 WEEK was produced in seven 24-hour installments (DAY 1 – DAY 7) exploring the notions of the heterogenous archival practice of both artists. Within each 24-hour episode, confined to a make-shift office environment, the artists submitted to rigorously recorded performance using traditional communication systems to interview non-mutual acquaintances. 


Each person interviewed was contacted by whatever means were available at the time; phone, written correspondence, email, facebook, or live interview.


Every person contacted was asked 3 questions. Each question was selected on the roll of a die from groups A, B and C. (Each group containing six possible questions.)


The answers were later presented as chronological lists, with all personal details removed. B 5 is one of these lists.


B 5





When I was 3 years old, and my parent’s moving house and we went to look at this house that we moved to and the guy opened the door and said oh my, how big you are,


Being touched by my daddy.


Hanna getting told off for her short skirt.


Finding a barbie doll under my mum’s bed when I was about 4.


First memory of Katy, ooh, that was er 27 years ago, 25 years ago..Yes we remember her, we remember her, black hair, dark hair, yeah. She was dark hair wasn’t she Joan, yes she was.


Thats a bit difficult... My first memory of Katy was as a baby.


Listening to the heart beat of my mum. Nah, when I was 5 in the park with some teachers from kindergarten.


Gosh, erm... That kind of question I always find quite weird because memories ?????????????.


Eating biscuits and play-dough mixed together at primary school.


At play-school when I was about 4 or 5, sitting on a slide.


Having long hair and having chopped short because my mum made me.


Trying one of my mum’s cigarettes and thinking it actually tasted quite bad.


Probably erm... well are you talking about from the age of two or three....? Alright ok, well I remember being in a group of girls at nursery and dancing in a circle.


My earliest memory is waking up aged two and a half and somehow climbing out  of my cot and um, sliding down an entire flight of stairs on my stomach, um, at my very first home and opening the biscuit tin and eating lots and lots of biscuits and getting very, very told off, but also like picked up and hugged massively by my Dad. It was very, very emotive because he was like "You're so naughty but I cannot believe you've done this, you're a funny little child." So, erm, that's my first ever memory. It was incredible I actually remember, like, using my teddy bear this huge teddy bear in the corner of my cot and I remember using it as like a step stool for me to climb out of the cot. It wasn't impossible, I didn't... I didn't need wires or Tom Cruise and I er… I smacked it, yeah.





Being put to sleep right before my stomach operation when I was 3 years old. Although I've always debated if this was a dream.


I wouldn’t be able to answer that I’m afraid...


Sitting under a table with my sister eating peanut butter.


Not so good on memories, here is one though... Dressing up in spiderman/superman costumes and making dens with my brothers and sisters.


My sister being born probably (coming back from the hospital)

Going down a water slide then being really annoyed that my mum/dad wasn’t at the bottom to catch me.


Well, actually I think its a false memory, is that any good? Actually I think its based on a photograph. Going for a lawnmower that my mum had in the garden.  I was reaching out for the lawnmower that my mum had in the garden.


Hmmmmm I have a really bad memory but I would have thought asking advice about printing or asking for a rubber (I'm notoriously unorganised) Kit is really organised.


Is picking cherries in high trees in Normandy during a hot summer vacation.


Just after my brother as born I got really jealous of my parents spending all their time with him so in retaliation I remember throwing 55 nappies over the top floor banister and they all landed in a pile in the hallway.


My memory is bit too murky a place for me to pick a first memory out of but id say one of my earliest is being between my grandad's knees whist he held a cricket bat that was almost as high as me and tried to teach me to use it.

I might only be saying that because there's a picture of that moment, perhaps I don't remember it at all...

Actually maybe the first is being sat in a primary school class when my grandmother knocked on the door and took me to the hospital where my brother had just been born. I remember him being heavier than I'd expected when I held him.


Jumping out of a third floor window dressed as superman (age 3)


I don’t know if its an actually memory or one I’ve constructed... I think its being in the back of a car in Scotland, I was about three or four, and there were some fireworks happening and I was with my parents.


Crying on the floor, cos I think my dad went out and he didn’t say goodbye, or something like that and then my dad came back, in the flat, cos I think he’d forgotten something... I’m not sure if its real, but yeah.




Um...railway. Yeah, cos its really blurry, its just there.


Umm, the first one I can guarantee is me, is my first day at primary school and I had this orange plastic fence there ?????????????? and I had this big hole in my hand.


Probably going to school, my first school, my primary school, maybe day one.  I remember it being day one... Don't know how old I was..


I can’t remember that... Yeah, I remember my grandfather... When I was um I was about 3 or 4...? And uh, he spent a lot of time with me...and in the morning we went to the park in Moscow, to feed squirrels, I had like these plastic containers, which, uh, actually contained sweets. It was like a present container and they would give it on Christmas to their kids and they were all designs and I love them, so I had a thing where I was collecting them... I remember that there was this pink colour container and my grandfather would go to the park, looking with nuts to attract the squirrels you know, that was my first memory.


Me sitting in the kitchen in a, a, one like this... A big drawer with pots in it, I was like maybe three years old and I, yes I had pots on my head.



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The Foolscap Journal is an occaional journal of just one piece of writing, edited by Michael Lawton. Submissions are welcome and should be sent to mlawton(at)